
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

RYC Founders meet to discuss the New Year

 RYC Founder & CEO Yuntwine English, Co-Founder Kevin Smith of RYC Wiggins & Lucedale, MS, and Co-Founder Kenny Wilson of RYC Pascagoula & Moss Point, MS.
RYC Founder & CEO Yuntwine English, Co-Founder Kevin Smith of RYC Wiggins & Lucedale, MS, and Co-Founder Kenny Wilson of RYC Pascagoula & Moss Point, MS.

The Founder & CEO of Represent Your City Inc. Yuntwine English is announcing its first three states for its annual kickoff today, a few short months after making its public debut of being solo without Google. Yuntwine flew to meet with Co-Founders Kevin Smith and Kenny Wilson over dinner to discuss the future of RYC and as to if leaving Google was a great idea to be on its own. The initial round of representing cities isn’t eart-shattering, totaling just over 19,000 cities by 2018, but with projections of making on average $23,000/mo per city, well that’s $437.0 Million a month for RYC. There are three companies looking to benefit in this round of initial representers. All of which are owned and managed by Yuntwine English. Yuntwine says that the funds needed to do this was well into the hundred thousands but was taken care of by him. “I can’t speak for most Internet’s specific strategy, but I think we’re covering very well the traditional, demand fulfillment ecommerce space for advertisments,” he said in an interview. “But there are tons of other things adjacent to that and all my partners are doing great work in making a brand out of RYC.
Kevin Smith and his wife are the famed duo behind RYC on the Gulf Coast, the startup incubators and Co-Founders responsible for launching RYC Wiggins & Lucedale in Mississippi.  RYC is designed to give the Smiths a vehicle to invest their time in a business ran straight from the computer and their own home that wouldn’t necessarily have a place at RYC, with a particular focus on consumer-facing ecommerce companies in that area who is looking for affordable online advertisements opportunities. RYC is a particularly strong example of a startup that’s replicating a model of its own to work well in the nine other countries it is set up in , too. RYC offers essentially the same service to advertising customers as Google but on a smaller scale so to speak. And Yuntwine didn’t shy away from the fact  that startup’s success has had influence in RYC’s decision to back each city in the world minds and talents and explore the minds of those all over the world. Leaving people at the end of the day saying that they are a part of RYC and all that it drives to achieve.
“Generally I believe if there’s a certain behavior that works in one market, then there’s a high likelihood that the same behavior will work in other market,” he said. “From my own experience with the last business I built I saw user behavior being very similar across multiple markets, from Asia right across to Europe, and there’s only a few markets where a model doesn’t work, and that’s the exception rather than the rule. I think RYC is a great example of a company that has a model that scaled successfully and thinks of both our readers and customers. We have a team who are all ready and willing to push RYC to the top of the ladder of success. Asked whether future RYC investments overseas will be thematically similar to these in the states, Yuntwine said that while they probably can do most to help consumer-facing companies overseas, we’ll probably see them go further afield and put money into advertising here in the United States as well, too.
We asked Yuntwine of the roles that members such as Kevin Smith plays with RYC. he stated, Kevin and Kenny both are great for the positions they have as partners with RYC. We are a Corporation of Partners no employees. RYC is something we all created and invested time into forming. When you see RYC you will see many of people because this is a company of oneness. They are who I call Kings of the Sipp. They representing cities along the Gulf Coast. Much of the ideas that has been brought forth didn’t come from me. They came from All of RYC Members. We plan to build this company so that it is able to take care of us and our families. And with that being said , if you have need of friends that cares and want to grow with RYC representing your city then join the team.


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