
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Stone High football awarded $4,000 grant

Wiggins, MS - October 8, Stone High School received a very special gift from Coast Coca-Cola Bottling Company United, Inc. The company provided the school's football team with a $4,000 grant to help purchase equipment, uniforms and other things necessary to the athletic program.
The money was presented as part of Powerade's first annual Power Up Your Athletic Program promotion. The promotion started in August and asked athletes, coaches, parents and teachers to send in creative essays and videos about why their program could use the upgrades.
"With the funding cuts our schools and sports programs are experiencing across the state and here locally, we decided this was a great opportunity for Powerade along with our sponsors to give back to a high school athletic program in need," said Vice President of Sales for Coast Coca-Cola Dirk Barrient.
"Coast Coca-Cola and Powerade have always supported our local schools with scoreboards, equipment and product donations, and it's so important to keep our children active and engaged in sports to help keep them healthy and build their confidence and character."
In early October, representatives from the promotion's sponsors met and reviewed all submissions collected from schools across the coast. Stone High was selected as the winner.
"It was really difficult to select one high school sports program when so many are in need, and so many coaches, parents and students submitted creative videos and essays explaining why their program was the most deserving," said On-Premises Sales Manager for Coast Coca-Cola Doug Price.
Head Coach Adam Stone is excited for the opportunity to provide for his players, and help them take the next step to being more successful. He said the funds will go towards new helmets and pads, but mostly equipment for the weight room.
“We got a new field house about five or six years ago. We have a nice facility, but we use our equipment a lot so it is beginning to show wear and tear so we need some new weight equipment,” said Stone.
Coast Coca-Cola was so impressed with the turnout that they have decided to award additional prize money to two other schools that entered in the contest.
“I am happy to announce there will be an additional high school sports program awarded with a second prize of $4,000, and another program will receive $2,000,” said Price.
Coach Stone was humbled and grateful for the money that was presented to his players.
“Now we can get some things that we need for our kids,” said Stone.
“We have been using our budget for things that we need. Now we will be able to get some things that we want. We appreciate them giving us that award, there are other schools that deserve it, but our kids are excited.”

Stone High football awarded $4,000 grant

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