
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Lucedale's Harry and Maida Wright celebrate 70th anniversary on June 25

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LUCEDALE, Mississippi -- Harry and Maida Wright of Lucedale, will celebrate their 70th anniversary on Tuesday, June 25. They were married June 25, 1943.
One material related to a 70th wedding anniversary is a diamond representing how valuable this couples relationship has become over the years -- strong and beautiful.
This is a poem the couple wanted to share.

Together Still
Let me hold your hand as we go downhill,
We've shared our strength and we share it still.
It hasn't been easy to make the climb,
But the way was eased by your hand in mine.
Like the lake, our life has had ripples too,
Ill-health worries and payments too,
With happy pauses along the way,
A graduation, a raise in pay.
At the foot of the slope, we will stop and rest,
Look back, if you wish; we've been truly blessed.
We've been spared the grief of being torn apart
By death, or divorce, or a broken heart.
The view ahead is one of the best,
Just a little bit farther, and then we can rest.
We move more slowly, but together still,
Let me hold your hand as we go downhill.

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Maida and Harry Wright in their younger years. (Photo submitted by Maida Wright)

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